Admit it- Parties are like a competition. With all the entertainment options out there, you have to stand out.
If you don’t, you’re going to end up with an empty room.
Except with Aunt Bertha eating salsa with her fingers and that weird neighborhood kid doing parkour off your folding chairs. All while, the DJ plays the Macarena and Despacito on repeat.
Don’t do that. Don’t be that person. Don’t throw lame parties. You see, event planning is like a knife fight. And we want to give you a bazooka.
Let us introduce you to our little friend:
The Mirror Photo Booths

When you’re an event planner, you have one goal in mind: make your party memorable.
Whether you’re throwing a corporate event, a birthday, a bar mitzvah, a wedding reception, or a graduation party, you want to create an experience that your guests will remember forever.
You want your shin-dig to be the most talked-about event of the year. Hell, of the decade.
Your parties will become the stuff of legends. The display attraction in the party hall of fame. With stories passed on from generation to generation until some weird cult forms around it and people recreate your event in ritualized ceremonies.
Or not. At a minimum, you’ll want to have a kick-ass time.
Let us help you with that.
The Mirror Photo Booth is literally the coolest thing we’ve ever experienced.
It doesn’t just sit in the corner like that one lonely guest watching everyone else have fun. People are drawn to this station like sailors to the siren’s song.
Except instead of shipwrecks, you will get amazing forever memories. You don’t want to have to herd your guests to get their photos taken.
That’s lame. Remember how we talked about not being lame?
Instead, let them herd themselves. Watch with pride as your guests clamor to get their photos taken. Let the process be just as fun as the final product!

Graduations - Like signing a custom yearbook!
Weddings - Better than a guest book!
Corporate Events - Testimonials anybody?
Parties - Remember so much more!
Birthdays - Messages are preserved forever. Tell your kid or grandkid how much you love them. They’ll keep it long after you’re gone.
At this point, we’re bringing a tank to a knife fight. Your parties are going to be ridiculous.

A Customizable LED Ring
Because no one wants to look derpy in their photo, the Mirror Booth comes with an LED ring that helps you FOCUS directly into the camera.
Optional Custom Frames
We have one of the best photo strip frame designers in the country located in house. Yes, that’s a real thing. Custom photo strip frames always add a personal touch.
Optional Custom Animations
Let’s say you’re doing a wedding. You could create an animation of the wedding party to display on screen! Or you’re doing a corporate gig. Branding animations until your logo is burned into their retinas.
Optimal Sound Recording and Custom Soundtracks
Set a custom soundtrack to be the theme of your party! Make a video of people singing and dancing! Or do your guests want to record a message? We gotcha, boo.
Social Sharing
Sharing through email or social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)
Multilingual Options
Because, duh! It's important.
A professional attendant to ensure everything runs smoothly, Photos, GIFs, or Videos, Voice-Guided Prompts, 200+ Vibrant Animations for adults and kids, Touch Screen Photo Signing, Colorful and Customizable emoji stamping, Social Games, A colorful photo countdown, and so much more.